A service due message on your Mercedes A6 may cause some anxiety, however you love the performance and luxury it delivers every time you drive it.
During this maintenance visit, what tasks will be performed? Are you going to have to replace parts and how much is it going to cost?

An independent repair shop or dealership will need to spend the time required to perform a full Mercedes A6 service checklist, which is explained in this article.
Why Should You Service Your Mercedes A6?
In about 10k miles (or 12 months) after your B5 service, the Mercedes A6 service is performed to ensure that your car stays in top condition. You can space out your service according to your driving habits through the Flexible Service System.
There are six “minor” services in the management structure. A6 is the sixth “minor” service despite its role being less involved than any other “major” B service.
What is the best time to service an A6?
As part of the A6 service, Mercedes vehicles are usually serviced around the 110,000 mile mark, or after 11 years of ownership, which is a typical time of service. As you know, the last B5 maintenance visit was approximately one year ago. Therefore, this is a relatively “minor” service.
You don’t have to worry about forgetting the service. Depending on the model of your Mercedes, you will receive helpful reminders such as “Service A6 in 20 Days,” or even “Service Code A6” that will help you know exactly when it is time for your Mercedes to be serviced. The recommended service date does not matter if the appointment occurs prior to or after the recommended date.
Mercedes A6 Service Included?
To keep your Mercedes A6 running efficiently, several components must be inspected, replaced, and serviced.
During a service appointment at a Mercedes-Benz dealership, specialists follow strict service guidelines provided by the factory to ensure that several essential tasks are performed.
Every Mercedes service item goes through a multi-point inspection that includes the exterior lighting, windshield wipers, tire tread depth, battery voltage, and door hinges.
Replace Air Filter

A6 service includes replacing the air filter, which is a simple but essential part. Inefficient engines are caused by clogged filters that restrict airflow.
By replacing your dirty filter and keeping it clean, you’ll be able to improve airflow and engine performance.
Replace Spark Plugs

Spark plugs ignite air and fuel mixtures in engines to start the combustion process. Nevertheless, they are not permanent. As part of the A6 service, we replace spark plugs with new gapped OEM plugs, which reduces fuel economy, misfires, and rough idles.
The combination of this service and replacement of other engine-specific components will enhance the performance, smoothness, and overall fun factor of your vehicle.
Replace Brake Fluid

Replacement of brake fluid on the A6 is one of the most underrated maintenance tasks. Breathing performance is affected by moisture and contaminants absorbed into brake fluid over time.
The brake pedal feel and stopping power gradually decrease over time, even if you are not aware of it. In many cases, a change in brake fluid is immediately evident after this service, since fresh, clean brake fluid helps change that.
Clean Sunroof Guide Rails
Among the A6 service benefits, there is also a cleaning of the sunroof guide rails that will prevent the sunroof from operating sluggishly or in an unpleasant manner.
It is not uncommon for the rails to accumulate dirt, debris, and grease over a period of time, which can affect the speed of opening and closing the sunroof, as well as the sound it makes. Maintaining proper operation of your sunroof and preventing damage to its components is made easier by a good cleaning.
Replace Synthetic Motor Oil

Changing the engine oil is part of the routine maintenance on the A6, as it would be with any other vehicle. It is recommended by Mercedes to use fully synthetic engine oil that is manufacture to factory specifications and is designed to withstand breakdowns better than ordinary engine oils.
As a result, you won’t have to take time away from your busy schedule to perform oil changes as frequently since you’re not required to maintain a 10,000 mile oil change interval.
Replace Oil Filter

In addition to changing the oil, we replace the oil filter as well. As opposed to the cheaper, lower quality brands that are usually used to change oil at quick lube stores and some repair shops, Mercedes-Benz OEM oil filters, that are manufactured by Mann (a top-quality brand) will be used instead.
This is just one example of why your Mercedes deserves the best.
Check Fluid Levels
While service is being performed on the A6, technicians will check fluid levels, including coolant, transmission, power steering, brake, and windshield washer. If more fluid is necessary, it will be added.
Protecting components and optimizing performance requires proper fluid levels. You don’t have to worry about the fluids being filled correctly because the service team will check them for you.
Check Tire Pressure

In the last part of the A6 service, your tire pressure is checked and adjusted (if you have a spare). Tires with the right air pressure last longer, handle better, and keep you from having to use as much fuel when you’re driving.
It’s more expensive to replace a new set of tires as a full set can cost well over $1,000. With your tires at the right PSI, you’ll get more life from them.
Check Brake Components

During a Mercedes A6 service appointment, the brake system is closely examined. As part of the brake component inspection, technicians will verify the performance and condition of the main brake components.
Measurement of the thickness of brake pads and checking the pad material for tears, cracks, and uneven wear is carefully done. If pads fail to meet minimum requirements, replacement is recommended.
In addition to checking for warping and grooves, brake rotors are also examined for inconsistencies in wear patterns. It is also checked that the rotor has the proper thickness.
Inspecting brake calipers consists of removing the pistons and checking them for leaks, cracks and damaged areas, as well as checking the slider pins and lubrication.
Furthermore, brake lines, fittings and hoses are visually inspected to look for chafes, leaks, or damage. The sooner a leak is caught, the less likely it will become a big problem later.
It’s easy to maintain a safe and reliable brake system by promptly fixing any issues discovered during the comprehensive brake inspection.